Saturday, July 17, 2010

Breakfast With A Friend

I opened my eyes at 7:30 and thought about my friend, Megan, who was going to be here in a few hours.  She was coming by to pick up some notes that she accidently left at the Academy, and I was more than happy to pick them up for her.  We had plans to go out to eat at a bakery for breakfast, and I was well excited because I was going to see a friend.

Megan just finished up her research at a different college for the summer, and went home that week.  I kept thinking that she was the lucky one since her research was done already.  The reason being is that my research is going to last longer than any of my fellow students at the Academy.  I started as soon as classes ended in May and I will go on until the sixth of August.

The next thing I knew I was waking up to my cell phone playing music.  “Hello?” I croaked.  “Hey Luke, I’m here,” Megan said.  I told her to give me a few minutes and I would be right down.

I slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom to see if I was fit enough to be seen in public.  I groaned as I saw my hair sticking up in all directions.  I soaked my hair and washed my face as quickly as I could because I don’t like to have people waiting on me.  I matted my hair down after drying it and dressed in a hurry.  I looked at the few shirts I had left in my wardrobe, and told myself I would do laundry tomorrow, and I headed down to greet Megan.

As I was walking to my car to get her notebook, I heard a voice yell, “LUKE!”  I looked around, but I didn’t see my friend.  I didn’t want to look like an idiot by spinning in circles trying to figure out where the voice came from, so I continued to my car.  I found the notebook and my wallet in my car (thank God because I was well worried I had lost them both!) and started walking down the parking lot like I knew where I was headed.

Megan called my name again and this time I saw her!  Whew, I was headed the right way!  I hugged her and she complimented my blonde hair.  She asked if I did it myself and I told her of course not!  It would have looked horrible if I tried to do anything to my hair! Nah, I go to a salon back in my hometown (about two and a half hours away) just to get a haircut.

Megan was driving her brother’s car and we took a few wrong turns in town.  I don’t blame her though because half the roads were blocked due to a parade and a fair, but it didn’t stop me from laughing at her!  The fair rides were in the town’s square right on the streets!  I had never seen anything like it before.  I mean…what kind of town doesn’t even have fair grounds? 

Megan was telling me about how much she disliked the University of Missouri, Columbia (where she did her research).  She told me about how the facilities were the most fantastic she had ever seen, but the teaching there was horrible.  She even told me she never wants to go back to that school again!  We were chatting so much that we didn’t even notice the “closed June and August” sign on the bakery’s door.

Megan, never letting anything get her down as usually, just said that we would go to the town’s coffee shop.  Once we got there we argued about who was going to pay for my smoothie and her coffee!  The cash register told us to back up while we argued because the counter was very old and he didn’t want us to break it!  He ended up taking her money and my card, making us each pay for only what we had gotten.  Although, he did ask if he could put a car payment on my card!

We looked around the coffee shop/book store, and Megan seemed really into the old books.  I guess I am one of those people who judge a book by its cover and was pretty turned off by the simplicity and age of almost every book in the store.  Megan told me that I was “more modern,” and I liked the way she put it, instead of using my words.

On our way back to my dorm Megan asked me something surprising.  She asked if I was close to my family.  I didn’t respond for a minute or two as I thought about Amar, and how he and his family gets along so well and how accepting they are of him.  I finally said no, and told her that my family wasn’t very accepting of my lifestyle and that I wasn’t able to talk to them about personal issues.  She told me she was sorry to hear that as she dropped me off.

I got to my room and thought more about what makes a good family.  I decided that I should make more of an effort to get along with my father, so that maybe one day I could bring home a boy and he wouldn’t look at me funny or tell me to get out of his house. 

I called my father for the first time in weeks and asked him when the next time he planned on being home would be, and he said probably late September.  “Why, what do you want?” he asked.  I told him that I just wanted to hang out.  “Oh,” he said with a surprised sound in his voice, “well I could probably make it home for a few days at the beginning of August.”  I told him that would be well grand and that research ended on the sixth that same month so I would see him then.

I am also thinking about calling my mother up and asking her if she would like me to visit sometime next week.  I’m probably going to bring up a soccer ball so Kyle and I could have some fun for a few hours too.

I don’t know if I will be able to get a post in tomorrow since I will more than likely be in the lab all day.  I sure hope I can make it through without getting another terrible headache. 


  1. I think very few families are as perfect as Amar's is. I'm sure that is a very rare thing. I'm sure yours is worth working on to improve it.

    I hope you have no more headaches.

  2. Megan is awesome!

    I hope things go well with your family...I'm sure they miss you, despite the past. Good luck with research! =/ Only a few more weeks!

  3. Like a lot of gay boys some of our best friends are girls like Megan. You will cherish them for a lifetime, I promise you.

    I'm proud of you for reaching out to you dad, your mom, and the kid with the soccer ball.

    Amar teaches us to take charge of our lives, to love, and make a positive difference.

